{=== Color definitions ===} {$IFDEF INCLUDE_INTERFACE} {$UNDEF INCLUDE_INTERFACE} var {* This is the value used for transparent pixels. In theory, any color with alpha = 0 is transparent, however it is recommended to use all other channels to zero as well. } BGRAPixelTransparent: TBGRAPixel; {* [#FFFFFF] White opaque } BGRAWhite: TBGRAPixel; {* [#000000] Black opaque } BGRABlack: TBGRAPixel; const {* This color [#000001] looks just like black. It is needed for drawing black shapes using the ''Canvas'' property of ''TBGRABitmap''. This is a standard ''TCanvas'' and when drawing with pure black (''clBlack''), there is no way to know if something has been drawn or if it is transparent } clBlackOpaque = TColor($010000); var //VGA colors VGABlack,VGAGray,VGASilver,VGAWhite, VGAMaroon,VGARed,VGAPurple,VGAFuchsia, VGAGreen,VGALime,VGAOlive,VGAYellow, VGANavy,VGABlue,VGATeal,VGAAqua: TBGRAPixel; //Red colors CSSIndianRed,CSSLightCoral,CSSSalmon,CSSDarkSalmon, CSSRed,CSSCrimson,CSSFireBrick,CSSDarkRed: TBGRAPixel; //Pink colors CSSPink,CSSLightPink,CSSHotPink,CSSDeepPink, CSSMediumVioletRed,CSSPaleVioletRed: TBGRAPixel; //Orange colors CSSLightSalmon,CSSCoral,CSSTomato,CSSOrangeRed, CSSDarkOrange,CSSOrange: TBGRAPixel; //Yellow colors CSSGold,CSSYellow,CSSLightYellow,CSSLemonChiffon, CSSLightGoldenrodYellow,CSSPapayaWhip,CSSMoccasin,CSSPeachPuff, CSSPaleGoldenrod,CSSKhaki,CSSDarkKhaki: TBGRAPixel; //Purple colors CSSLavender,CSSThistle,CSSPlum,CSSViolet, CSSOrchid,CSSFuchsia,CSSMagenta,CSSMediumOrchid, CSSMediumPurple,CSSBlueViolet,CSSDarkViolet,CSSDarkOrchid, CSSDarkMagenta,CSSPurple,CSSIndigo,CSSDarkSlateBlue, CSSSlateBlue,CSSMediumSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel; //Green colors CSSGreenYellow,CSSChartreuse,CSSLawnGreen,CSSLime, CSSLimeGreen,CSSPaleGreen,CSSLightGreen,CSSMediumSpringGreen, CSSSpringGreen,CSSMediumSeaGreen,CSSSeaGreen,CSSForestGreen, CSSGreen,CSSDarkGreen,CSSYellowGreen,CSSOliveDrab, CSSOlive,CSSDarkOliveGreen,CSSMediumAquamarine,CSSDarkSeaGreen, CSSLightSeaGreen,CSSDarkCyan,CSSTeal: TBGRAPixel; //Blue/Cyan colors CSSAqua,CSSCyan,CSSLightCyan,CSSPaleTurquoise, CSSAquamarine,CSSTurquoise,CSSMediumTurquoise,CSSDarkTurquoise, CSSCadetBlue,CSSSteelBlue,CSSLightSteelBlue,CSSPowderBlue, CSSLightBlue,CSSSkyBlue,CSSLightSkyBlue,CSSDeepSkyBlue, CSSDodgerBlue,CSSCornflowerBlue,CSSRoyalBlue,CSSBlue, CSSMediumBlue,CSSDarkBlue,CSSNavy,CSSMidnightBlue: TBGRAPixel; //Brown colors CSSCornsilk, CSSBlanchedAlmond, CSSBisque, CSSNavajoWhite, CSSWheat, CSSBurlyWood, CSSTan, CSSRosyBrown, CSSSandyBrown, CSSGoldenrod, CSSDarkGoldenrod, CSSPeru, CSSChocolate, CSSSaddleBrown, CSSSienna, CSSBrown, CSSMaroon: TBGRAPixel; //White colors CSSWhite, CSSSnow, CSSHoneydew, CSSMintCream, CSSAzure, CSSAliceBlue, CSSGhostWhite, CSSWhiteSmoke, CSSSeashell, CSSBeige, CSSOldLace, CSSFloralWhite, CSSIvory, CSSAntiqueWhite, CSSLinen, CSSLavenderBlush, CSSMistyRose: TBGRAPixel; //Gray colors CSSGainsboro, CSSLightGray, CSSSilver, CSSDarkGray, CSSGray, CSSDimGray, CSSLightSlateGray, CSSSlateGray, CSSDarkSlateGray, CSSBlack: TBGRAPixel; type TBGRAColorDefinition = record Name: string; Color: TBGRAPixel; end; { TBGRAColorList } {* Contains a fixed list of colors } TBGRAColorList = class protected FFinished: boolean; FNbColors: integer; FColors: array of TBGRAColorDefinition; function GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel; function GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel; function GetName(Index: integer): string; procedure Add(Name: string; out Color: TBGRAPixel; red,green,blue: byte); overload; public {** Creates an empty color list } constructor Create; {** Add a color to the list } procedure Add(Name: string; const Color: TBGRAPixel); {** Ends the color list and prevents further modifications } procedure Finished; {** Returns the index of a color with a given name } function IndexOf(Name: string): integer; {** Returns the index of a color. Colors are considered to match if the difference is less than or equal to ''AMaxDiff'' } function IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiff: Word = 0): integer; {** Gets the color associated with a color name } property ByName[Name: string]: TBGRAPixel read GetByName; {** Gets the color at the specified index } property ByIndex[Index: integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetByIndex; default; {** Gets the name of the color at the specified index } property Name[Index: integer]: string read GetName; {** Gets the number of colors } property Count: integer read FNbColors; end; var {* List of VGA colors: * [#000000] Black, [#808080] Gray, [#C0C0C0] Silver, [#FFFFFF] White, * [#800000] Maroon, [#FF0000] Red, [#800080] Purple, [#FF00FF] Fuchsia, * [#008000] Green, [#00FF00] Lime, [#808000] Olive, [#FFFF00] Yellow, * [#000080] Navy, [#0000FF] Blue, [#008080] Teal, [#00FFFF] Aqua. * Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] ''VGABlack'', [#808080] ''VGAGray''... } VGAColors: TBGRAColorList; {* List of [http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colornames.asp web colors]. Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] ''CSSBlack'', [#FF0000] ''CSSRed''... } CSSColors: TBGRAColorList; {------------------- string conversion ------------------------} {* Converts a ''TBGRAPixel'' value into a string, using color names provided in ''AColorList'', and considering that a color matches in the color list if its difference is within ''AMaxDiff'' } function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList = nil; AMaxDiff: Word= 0): string; {* Converts a fully defined string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match } function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel; {* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. If the value is not fully defined or that there is an error, ''DefaultColor'' is returned. Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. } function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; {* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. If the value is not fully defined, missing channels (expressed with '?') are filled with fallbackValues. You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean. Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. } function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out error: boolean): TBGRAPixel; {* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value into ''parsedValue''. ''parsedValue'' is not changed if some channels are missing (expressed with '?'). You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean. Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. } procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INCLUDE_IMPLEMENTATION} {$UNDEF INCLUDE_IMPLEMENTATION} { TBGRAColorList } function TBGRAColorList.GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then result := BGRAPixelTransparent else result := FColors[Index].Color; end; function TBGRAColorList.GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel; var i: integer; begin i := IndexOf(Name); if i = -1 then result := BGRAPixelTransparent else result := FColors[i].Color; end; function TBGRAColorList.GetName(Index: integer): string; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then result := '' else result := FColors[Index].Name; end; procedure TBGRAColorList.Add(Name: string; out Color: TBGRAPixel; red, green, blue: byte); begin Color := BGRA(red,green,blue); Add(Name,Color); end; constructor TBGRAColorList.Create; begin FNbColors:= 0; FColors := nil; FFinished:= false; end; procedure TBGRAColorList.Add(Name: string; const Color: TBGRAPixel); begin if FFinished then raise Exception.Create('This list is already finished'); if length(FColors) = FNbColors then SetLength(FColors, FNbColors*2+1); FColors[FNbColors].Name := Name; FColors[FNbColors].Color := Color; inc(FNbColors); end; procedure TBGRAColorList.Finished; begin if FFinished then exit; FFinished := true; SetLength(FColors, FNbColors); end; function TBGRAColorList.IndexOf(Name: string): integer; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do if CompareText(Name, FColors[i].Name) = 0 then begin result := i; exit; end; result := -1; end; function TBGRAColorList.IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiff: Word = 0): integer; var i: integer; MinDiff,CurDiff: Word; begin if AMaxDiff = 0 then begin for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do if AColor = FColors[i].Color then begin result := i; exit; end; result := -1; end else begin MinDiff := AMaxDiff; result := -1; for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do begin CurDiff := BGRAWordDiff(AColor,FColors[i].Color); if CurDiff <= MinDiff then begin result := i; MinDiff := CurDiff; if MinDiff = 0 then exit; end; end; end; end; {------------------- string conversion ---------------------------------} { Write a color in hexadecimal format RRGGBBAA or using the name in a color list } function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList = nil; AMaxDiff: Word= 0): string; var idx: integer; begin if Assigned(AColorList) then begin idx := AColorList.IndexOfColor(c, AMaxDiff); if idx<> -1 then begin result := AColorList.Name[idx]; exit; end; end; result := IntToHex(c.red,2)+IntToHex(c.green,2)+IntToHex(c.Blue,2)+IntToHex(c.Alpha,2); end; type arrayOfString = array of string; function SimpleParseFuncParam(str: string; var flagError: boolean): arrayOfString; var idxOpen,start,cur: integer; begin result := nil; idxOpen := pos('(',str); if idxOpen = 0 then begin start := 1; //find first space while (start <= length(str)) and (str[start]<>' ') do inc(start); end else start := idxOpen+1; cur := start; while cur <= length(str) do begin if str[cur] in[',',')'] then begin setlength(result,length(result)+1); result[high(result)] := trim(copy(str,start,cur-start)); start := cur+1; if str[cur] = ')' then exit; end; inc(cur); end; if idxOpen <> 0 then flagError := true; //should exit on ')' if start <= length(str) then begin setlength(result,length(result)+1); result[high(result)] := copy(str,start,length(str)-start+1); end; end; function ParseColorValue(str: string; var flagError: boolean): byte; var pourcent,unclipped,{%H-}errPos: integer; begin if str = '' then result := 0 else begin if str[length(str)]='%' then begin val(copy(str,1,length(str)-1),pourcent,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then flagError := true; if pourcent < 0 then result := 0 else if pourcent > 100 then result := 255 else result := pourcent*255 div 100; end else begin val(str,unclipped,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then flagError := true; if unclipped < 0 then result := 0 else if unclipped > 255 then result := 255 else result := unclipped; end; end; end; //this function returns the parsed value only if it contains no error nor missing values, otherwise //it returns BGRAPixelTransparent function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel; var missingValues, error: boolean; begin result := BGRABlack; TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error); if missingValues or error then result := BGRAPixelTransparent; end; //this function changes the content of parsedValue depending on available and parsable information. //set parsedValue to the fallback values before calling this function. //missing values are expressed by empty string or by '?', for example 'rgb(255,?,?,?)' will change only the red value. //note that if alpha is not expressed by the string format, it will be opaque. So 'rgb(255,?,?)' will change the red value and the alpha value. //the last parameter of rgba() is a floating point number where 1 is opaque and 0 is transparent. procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean); var errPos: integer; values: array of string; alphaF: single; idx: integer; begin str := Trim(str); error := false; if (str = '') or (str = '?') then begin missingValues := true; exit; end else missingValues := false; str := StringReplace(lowerCase(str),'grey','gray',[]); //VGA color names idx := VGAColors.IndexOf(str); if idx <> -1 then begin parsedValue := VGAColors[idx]; exit; end; if str='transparent' then parsedValue := BGRAPixelTransparent else begin //check CSS color idx := CSSColors.IndexOf(str); if idx <> -1 then begin parsedValue := CSSColors[idx]; exit; end; //CSS RGB notation if (copy(str,1,4)='rgb(') or (copy(str,1,5)='rgba(') or (copy(str,1,4)='rgb ') or (copy(str,1,5)='rgba ') then begin values := SimpleParseFuncParam(str,error); if (length(values)=3) or (length(values)=4) then begin if (values[0] <> '') and (values[0] <> '?') then parsedValue.red := ParseColorValue(values[0], error) else missingValues := true; if (values[1] <> '') and (values[1] <> '?') then parsedValue.green := ParseColorValue(values[1], error) else missingValues := true; if (values[2] <> '') and (values[2] <> '?') then parsedValue.blue := ParseColorValue(values[2], error) else missingValues := true; if length(values)=4 then begin if (values[3] <> '') and (values[3] <> '?') then begin val(values[3],alphaF,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then begin parsedValue.alpha := 255; error := true; end else begin if alphaF < 0 then parsedValue.alpha := 0 else if alphaF > 1 then parsedValue.alpha := 255 else parsedValue.alpha := round(alphaF*255); end; end else missingValues := true; end else parsedValue.alpha := 255; end else error := true; exit; end; //remove HTML notation header if str[1]='#' then delete(str,1,1); //add alpha if missing (if you want an undefined alpha use '??' or '?') if length(str)=6 then str += 'FF'; if length(str)=3 then str += 'F'; //hex notation if length(str)=8 then begin if copy(str,1,2) <> '??' then begin val('$'+copy(str,1,2),parsedValue.red,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then error := true; end else missingValues := true; if copy(str,3,2) <> '??' then begin val('$'+copy(str,3,2),parsedValue.green,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then error := true; end else missingValues := true; if copy(str,5,2) <> '??' then begin val('$'+copy(str,5,2),parsedValue.blue,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then error := true; end else missingValues := true; if copy(str,7,2) <> '??' then begin val('$'+copy(str,7,2),parsedValue.alpha,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then begin error := true; parsedValue.alpha := 255; end; end else missingValues := true; end else if length(str)=4 then begin if str[1] <> '?' then begin val('$'+str[1],parsedValue.red,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then error := true; parsedValue.red *= $11; end else missingValues := true; if str[2] <> '?' then begin val('$'+str[2],parsedValue.green,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then error := true; parsedValue.green *= $11; end else missingValues := true; if str[3] <> '?' then begin val('$'+str[3],parsedValue.blue,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then error := true; parsedValue.blue *= $11; end else missingValues := true; if str[4] <> '?' then begin val('$'+str[4],parsedValue.alpha,errPos); if errPos <> 0 then begin error := true; parsedValue.alpha := 255; end else parsedValue.alpha *= $11; end else missingValues := true; end else error := true; //string format not recognised end; end; //this function returns the values that can be read from the string, otherwise //it fills the gaps with the fallback values. The error boolean is True only //if there was invalid values, it is not set to True if there was missing values. function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out error: boolean): TBGRAPixel; var missingValues: boolean; begin result := fallbackValues; TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error); end; { Read a color, for example in hexadecimal format RRGGBB(AA) or RGB(A). Partial colors are not accepted by this function. } function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; var missingValues, error: boolean; begin result := BGRABlack; TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error); if missingValues or error then result := DefaultColor; end; function BlueGreenRedToBGRA(blue,green,red: byte): TBGRAPixel; begin result := BGRA(red,green,blue); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INCLUDE_INIT} {$UNDEF INCLUDE_INIT} BGRAPixelTransparent := BGRA(0,0,0,0); BGRAWhite := BGRA(255,255,255); BGRABlack := BGRA(0,0,0); VGAColors := TBGRAColorList.Create; VGAColors.Add('Black',VGABlack,0,0,0); VGAColors.Add('Gray',VGAGray,128,128,128); VGAColors.Add('Silver',VGASilver,192,192,192); VGAColors.Add('White',VGAWhite,255,255,255); VGAColors.Add('Maroon',VGAMaroon,128,0,0); VGAColors.Add('Red',VGARed,255,0,0); VGAColors.Add('Purple',VGAPurple,128,0,128); VGAColors.Add('Fuchsia',VGAFuchsia,255,0,255); VGAColors.Add('Green',VGAGreen,0,128,0); VGAColors.Add('Lime',VGALime,0,255,0); VGAColors.Add('Olive',VGAOlive,128,128,0); VGAColors.Add('Yellow',VGAYellow,255,255,0); VGAColors.Add('Navy',VGANavy,0,0,128); VGAColors.Add('Blue',VGABlue,0,0,255); VGAColors.Add('Teal',VGATeal,0,128,128); VGAColors.Add('Aqua',VGAAqua,0,255,255); VGAColors.Finished; //Red colors CSSIndianRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(92, 92, 205); CSSLightCoral:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 240); CSSSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(114, 128, 250); CSSDarkSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(122, 150, 233); CSSRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 255); CSSCrimson:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(60, 20, 220); CSSFireBrick:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(34, 34, 178); CSSDarkRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 139); //Pink colors CSSPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(203, 192, 255); CSSLightPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(193, 182, 255); CSSHotPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(180, 105, 255); CSSDeepPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(147, 20, 255); CSSMediumVioletRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(133, 21, 199); CSSPaleVioletRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(147, 112, 219); //Orange colors CSSLightSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(122, 160, 255); CSSCoral:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(80, 127, 255); CSSTomato:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(71, 99, 255); CSSOrangeRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 69, 255); CSSDarkOrange:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 140, 255); CSSOrange:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 165, 255); //Yellow colors CSSGold:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 215, 255); CSSYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 255); CSSLightYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(224, 255, 255); CSSLemonChiffon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 250, 255); CSSLightGoldenrodYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(210, 250, 250); CSSPapayaWhip:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(213, 239, 255); CSSMoccasin:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(181, 228, 255); CSSPeachPuff:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(185, 218, 255); CSSPaleGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 232, 238); CSSKhaki:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(140, 230, 240); CSSDarkKhaki:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(107, 183, 189); //Purple colors CSSLavender:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 230, 230); CSSThistle:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(216, 191, 216); CSSPlum:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(221, 160, 221); CSSViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 130, 238); CSSOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(214, 112, 218); CSSFuchsia:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 255); CSSMagenta:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 255); CSSMediumOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 85, 186); CSSMediumPurple:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(219, 112, 147); CSSBlueViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(226, 43, 138); CSSDarkViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 0, 148); CSSDarkOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(204, 50, 153); CSSDarkMagenta:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 0, 139); CSSPurple:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 0, 128); CSSIndigo:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(130, 0, 75); CSSDarkSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 61, 72); CSSSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 90, 106); CSSMediumSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 104, 123); //Green colors CSSGreenYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(47, 255, 173); CSSChartreuse:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 127); CSSLawnGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 252, 124); CSSLime:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 0); CSSLimeGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(50, 205, 50); CSSPaleGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(152, 251, 152); CSSLightGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(144, 238, 144); CSSMediumSpringGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(154, 250, 0); CSSSpringGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(127, 255, 0); CSSMediumSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(113, 179, 60); CSSSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(87, 139, 46); CSSForestGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(34, 139, 34); CSSGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 128, 0); CSSDarkGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 100, 0); CSSYellowGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(50, 205, 154); CSSOliveDrab:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(35, 142, 107); CSSOlive:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 128, 128); CSSDarkOliveGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(47, 107, 85); CSSMediumAquamarine:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 205, 102); CSSDarkSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(143, 188, 143); CSSLightSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 178, 32); CSSDarkCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 139, 0); CSSTeal:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 0); //Blue/Cyan colors CSSAqua:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 0); CSSCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 0); CSSLightCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 224); CSSPaleTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 238, 175); CSSAquamarine:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(212, 255, 127); CSSTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(208, 224, 64); CSSMediumTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(204, 209, 72); CSSDarkTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(209, 206, 0); CSSCadetBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(160, 158, 95); CSSSteelBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(180, 130, 70); CSSLightSteelBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(222, 196, 176); CSSPowderBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 224, 176); CSSLightBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 216, 173); CSSSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(235, 206, 135); CSSLightSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 206, 135); CSSDeepSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 191, 0); CSSDodgerBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 144, 30); CSSCornflowerBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(237, 149, 100); CSSRoyalBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 105, 65); CSSBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 0); CSSMediumBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 0, 0); CSSDarkBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 0, 0); CSSNavy:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 0, 0); CSSMidnightBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(112, 25, 25); //Brown colors CSSCornsilk:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 248, 255); CSSBlanchedAlmond:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 235, 255); CSSBisque:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(196, 228, 255); CSSNavajoWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(173, 222, 255); CSSWheat:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(179, 222, 245); CSSBurlyWood:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(135, 184, 222); CSSTan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(140, 180, 210); CSSRosyBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(143, 143, 188); CSSSandyBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(96, 164, 244); CSSGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(32, 165, 218); CSSDarkGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(11, 134, 184); CSSPeru:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(63, 133, 205); CSSChocolate:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(30, 105, 210); CSSSaddleBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(19, 69, 139); CSSSienna:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(45, 82, 160); CSSBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(42, 42, 165); CSSMaroon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 128); //White colors CSSWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 255); CSSSnow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 250, 255); CSSHoneydew:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 255, 250); CSSMintCream:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 255, 245); CSSAzure:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 240); CSSAliceBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 248, 240); CSSGhostWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 248, 248); CSSWhiteSmoke:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(245, 245, 245); CSSSeashell:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 245, 238); CSSBeige:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 245, 245); CSSOldLace:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 245, 253); CSSFloralWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 250, 255); CSSIvory:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 255, 255); CSSAntiqueWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(215, 235, 250); CSSLinen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 240, 250); CSSLavenderBlush:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(245, 240, 255); CSSMistyRose:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 228, 255); //Gray colors CSSGainsboro:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 220, 220); CSSLightGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 211, 211); CSSSilver:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(192, 192, 192); CSSDarkGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(169, 169, 169); CSSGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 128); CSSDimGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(105, 105, 105); CSSLightSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(153, 136, 119); CSSSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(144, 128, 112); CSSDarkSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(79, 79, 47); CSSBlack:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 0); CSSColors := TBGRAColorList.Create; CSSColors.Add('AliceBlue',CSSAliceBlue); CSSColors.Add('AntiqueWhite',CSSAntiqueWhite); CSSColors.Add('Aqua',CSSAqua); CSSColors.Add('Aquamarine',CSSAquamarine); CSSColors.Add('Azure',CSSAzure); CSSColors.Add('Beige',CSSBeige); CSSColors.Add('Bisque',CSSBisque); CSSColors.Add('Black',CSSBlack); CSSColors.Add('BlanchedAlmond',CSSBlanchedAlmond); CSSColors.Add('Blue',CSSBlue); CSSColors.Add('BlueViolet',CSSBlueViolet); CSSColors.Add('Brown',CSSBrown); CSSColors.Add('BurlyWood',CSSBurlyWood); CSSColors.Add('CadetBlue',CSSCadetBlue); CSSColors.Add('Chartreuse',CSSChartreuse); CSSColors.Add('Chocolate',CSSChocolate); CSSColors.Add('Coral',CSSCoral); CSSColors.Add('CornflowerBlue',CSSCornflowerBlue); CSSColors.Add('Cornsilk',CSSCornsilk); CSSColors.Add('Crimson',CSSCrimson); CSSColors.Add('Cyan',CSSCyan); CSSColors.Add('DarkBlue',CSSDarkBlue); CSSColors.Add('DarkCyan',CSSDarkCyan); CSSColors.Add('DarkGoldenrod',CSSDarkGoldenrod); CSSColors.Add('DarkGray',CSSDarkGray); CSSColors.Add('DarkGreen',CSSDarkGreen); CSSColors.Add('DarkKhaki',CSSDarkKhaki); CSSColors.Add('DarkMagenta',CSSDarkMagenta); CSSColors.Add('DarkOliveGreen',CSSDarkOliveGreen); CSSColors.Add('DarkOrange',CSSDarkOrange); CSSColors.Add('DarkOrchid',CSSDarkOrchid); CSSColors.Add('DarkRed',CSSDarkRed); CSSColors.Add('DarkSalmon',CSSDarkSalmon); CSSColors.Add('DarkSeaGreen',CSSDarkSeaGreen); CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateBlue',CSSDarkSlateBlue); CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateGray',CSSDarkSlateGray); CSSColors.Add('DarkTurquoise',CSSDarkTurquoise); CSSColors.Add('DarkViolet',CSSDarkViolet); CSSColors.Add('DeepPink',CSSDeepPink); CSSColors.Add('DeepSkyBlue',CSSDeepSkyBlue); CSSColors.Add('DimGray',CSSDimGray); CSSColors.Add('DodgerBlue',CSSDodgerBlue); CSSColors.Add('FireBrick',CSSFireBrick); CSSColors.Add('FloralWhite',CSSFloralWhite); CSSColors.Add('ForestGreen',CSSForestGreen); CSSColors.Add('Fuchsia',CSSFuchsia); CSSColors.Add('Gainsboro',CSSGainsboro); CSSColors.Add('GhostWhite',CSSGhostWhite); CSSColors.Add('Gold',CSSGold); CSSColors.Add('Goldenrod',CSSGoldenrod); CSSColors.Add('Gray',CSSGray); CSSColors.Add('Green',CSSGreen); CSSColors.Add('GreenYellow',CSSGreenYellow); CSSColors.Add('Honeydew',CSSHoneydew); CSSColors.Add('HotPink',CSSHotPink); CSSColors.Add('IndianRed',CSSIndianRed); CSSColors.Add('Indigo',CSSIndigo); CSSColors.Add('Ivory',CSSIvory); CSSColors.Add('Khaki',CSSKhaki); CSSColors.Add('Lavender',CSSLavender); CSSColors.Add('LavenderBlush',CSSLavenderBlush); CSSColors.Add('LawnGreen',CSSLawnGreen); CSSColors.Add('LemonChiffon',CSSLemonChiffon); CSSColors.Add('LightBlue',CSSLightBlue); CSSColors.Add('LightCoral',CSSLightCoral); CSSColors.Add('LightCyan',CSSLightCyan); CSSColors.Add('LightGoldenrodYellow',CSSLightGoldenrodYellow); CSSColors.Add('LightGray',CSSLightGray); CSSColors.Add('LightGreen',CSSLightGreen); CSSColors.Add('LightPink',CSSLightPink); CSSColors.Add('LightSalmon',CSSLightSalmon); CSSColors.Add('LightSeaGreen',CSSLightSeaGreen); CSSColors.Add('LightSkyBlue',CSSLightSkyBlue); CSSColors.Add('LightSlateGray',CSSLightSlateGray); CSSColors.Add('LightSteelBlue',CSSLightSteelBlue); CSSColors.Add('LightYellow',CSSLightYellow); CSSColors.Add('Lime',CSSLime); CSSColors.Add('LimeGreen',CSSLimeGreen); CSSColors.Add('Linen',CSSLinen); CSSColors.Add('Magenta',CSSMagenta); CSSColors.Add('Maroon',CSSMaroon); CSSColors.Add('MediumAquamarine',CSSMediumAquamarine); CSSColors.Add('MediumBlue',CSSMediumBlue); CSSColors.Add('MediumOrchid',CSSMediumOrchid); CSSColors.Add('MediumPurple',CSSMediumPurple); CSSColors.Add('MediumSeaGreen',CSSMediumSeaGreen); CSSColors.Add('MediumSlateBlue',CSSMediumSlateBlue); CSSColors.Add('MediumSpringGreen',CSSMediumSpringGreen); CSSColors.Add('MediumTurquoise',CSSMediumTurquoise); CSSColors.Add('MediumVioletRed',CSSMediumVioletRed); CSSColors.Add('MidnightBlue',CSSMidnightBlue); CSSColors.Add('MintCream',CSSMintCream); CSSColors.Add('MistyRose',CSSMistyRose); CSSColors.Add('Moccasin',CSSMoccasin); CSSColors.Add('NavajoWhite',CSSNavajoWhite); CSSColors.Add('Navy',CSSNavy); CSSColors.Add('OldLace',CSSOldLace); CSSColors.Add('Olive',CSSOlive); CSSColors.Add('OliveDrab',CSSOliveDrab); CSSColors.Add('Orange',CSSOrange); CSSColors.Add('OrangeRed',CSSOrangeRed); CSSColors.Add('Orchid',CSSOrchid); CSSColors.Add('PaleGoldenrod',CSSPaleGoldenrod); CSSColors.Add('PaleGreen',CSSPaleGreen); CSSColors.Add('PaleTurquoise',CSSPaleTurquoise); CSSColors.Add('PaleVioletRed',CSSPaleVioletRed); CSSColors.Add('PapayaWhip',CSSPapayaWhip); CSSColors.Add('PeachPuff',CSSPeachPuff); CSSColors.Add('Peru',CSSPeru); CSSColors.Add('Pink',CSSPink); CSSColors.Add('Plum',CSSPlum); CSSColors.Add('PowderBlue',CSSPowderBlue); CSSColors.Add('Purple',CSSPurple); CSSColors.Add('Red',CSSRed); CSSColors.Add('RosyBrown',CSSRosyBrown); CSSColors.Add('RoyalBlue',CSSRoyalBlue); CSSColors.Add('SaddleBrown',CSSSaddleBrown); CSSColors.Add('Salmon',CSSSalmon); CSSColors.Add('SandyBrown',CSSSandyBrown); CSSColors.Add('SeaGreen',CSSSeaGreen); CSSColors.Add('Seashell',CSSSeashell); CSSColors.Add('Sienna',CSSSienna); CSSColors.Add('Silver',CSSSilver); CSSColors.Add('SkyBlue',CSSSkyBlue); CSSColors.Add('SlateBlue',CSSSlateBlue); CSSColors.Add('SlateGray',CSSSlateGray); CSSColors.Add('Snow',CSSSnow); CSSColors.Add('SpringGreen',CSSSpringGreen); CSSColors.Add('SteelBlue',CSSSteelBlue); CSSColors.Add('Tan',CSSTan); CSSColors.Add('Teal',CSSTeal); CSSColors.Add('Thistle',CSSThistle); CSSColors.Add('Tomato',CSSTomato); CSSColors.Add('Turquoise',CSSTurquoise); CSSColors.Add('Violet',CSSViolet); CSSColors.Add('Wheat',CSSWheat); CSSColors.Add('White',CSSWhite); CSSColors.Add('WhiteSmoke',CSSWhiteSmoke); CSSColors.Add('Yellow',CSSYellow); CSSColors.Add('YellowGreen',CSSYellowGreen); CSSColors.Finished; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INCLUDE_FINAL} {$UNDEF INCLUDE_FINAL} CSSColors.Free; VGAColors.Free; {$ENDIF}